Do you know what a Quad is?

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Do you know what a Quad is in Art? Chances are you don’t, and the reason is simple… it is only since 2008 that the category of “Quad” was born. It was the unexpected blessing of a traumatic and dramatic experience – the devastation by fire (arson) that consumed my home, my studio, and over 30 years of my work. I emerged with only the clothes on my back and – after a brief period of coming to grips with all that was lost – the desire to paint again. And paint I did, but what emerged was subtly different from what had come before. What came from my brush was not just one painting on an easel. When you turned the painting, with each turn you could experience many images of interest and impressions or fantasies or hard truth. It was not simply an abstract, nor just an impression, nor surreal… it was ethereal embracing all the latter into abstract. Was the Universe trying to make up for what burned by giving me four paintings at a time? I don’t know the answer, but what I do know is that Quads always will tell a Story to its viewer, some obvious, some personal. And the story can be different for each viewer to experience. That is the magic of Quads.

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